Meet Clara
I started Saved because I wanted to eat less meat to fight climate change.
Tried tofu and tempeh but found it hard to make delicious
Tried alt. meats but they're highly processed
Tried legumes but they always make me bloated
Then I discovered insect protein - a complete, digestible and sustainable option that left me feeling energised, no longer bloated, and relieved that I finally found a protein that is good for me and the planet.
I figured people don't want to see insects so why not integrate insect protein in the food we love?
So I quit my job at PepsiCo, launched Saved - to help people transition to more sustainable eating.
In summary,
We're fortifying lentil snacks with cricket protein to help you switch to sustainable proteins without compromising on taste, nutrition or the planet.
We believe in making food taste good while doing better by the planet.
Our Mission
Shake the alternative protein industry by introducing insect-fortified food as a sustainable, accessible and effortless option.
Our Vision
Bring the planet’s food wonders from extraordinary to ordinary to fight inaccessibility, overconsumption and the climate crisis.
18% of global emissions
come from the food industry
1/3 food
is wasted
We'll be 10B
people by 2050
There is an urgency to tackle overconsumption & food waste, inaccessibility of novel foods and the climate crisis.